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Transforming Lives

Comprehensive Weight Loss Surgery Options 

Weight Loss Surgery in Medical Tourism

Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, has become a significant aspect of medical tourism due to various factors such as cost-effectiveness, high-quality healthcare, and accessibility. The demand for safest weight loss surgery in medical tourism has increased substantially over the years, primarily because of the significant disparities in healthcare costs among countries. Healing Travel serves as a premier facilitator to connect individuals worldwide with esteemed healthcare facilities across multiple countries, specializing in a wide spectrum of advanced medical procedures, including weight loss surgeries.

Understanding Weight Loss Surgery

Different Types of Weight Loss Surgical Procedures

VSG (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy) Surgery:

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or VSG weight loss surgery involves the removal of a large portion of the stomach, creating a smaller sleeve-shaped stomach. This procedure restricts food intake and reduces hunger-inducing hormones, promoting weight loss.

Gastric Bypass Surgery:

Gastric Bypass Surgery partitions the stomach into a smaller upper pouch and connects it directly to the small intestine. This restricts food consumption and alters the digestive process, leading to reduced calorie absorption and weight loss.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

This key weight loss surgery involves reducing the stomach's size to a slender sleeve shape. Healing Travel facilitates access to this effective procedure through its partnered centres. Known for rapid weight loss and hormonal changes that diminish hunger, sleeve weight loss surgery stands as a prominent option within Healing Travel's comprehensive suite of bariatric surgeries, transforming lives with sustainable weight loss solutions.


Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB):

Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) involves placing an adjustable band around the upper stomach, creating a smaller stomach pouch to limit food intake. This procedure allows for adjustable tightness to control food consumption.

Weight Loss Laser Treatment

Weight loss laser treatments, a non-invasive option in bariatric care, utilize innovative technologies like laser lipolysis to target and reduce localized fat deposits. While not a replacement for surgical interventions, Healing Travel collaborates with specialized centres offering these procedures as adjuncts to traditional weight loss methods. These treatments aid in contouring the body, complementing comprehensive weight loss journeys facilitated by Healing Travel's diverse interventions.

Weight Loss Surgical Centres and Clinics

Healing Travel's Partnered Weight Loss Surgical Centres

Healing Travel collaborates with a network of esteemed weight loss surgical centres across various countries, ensuring a comprehensive and quality-driven approach to bariatric procedures for international patients.


These partnered surgical centres prioritize patient-centric care, offering state-of-the-art facilities equipped with cutting-edge technologies to perform various weight loss surgeries such as gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and laparoscopic banding. Highly skilled and experienced bariatric surgeons lead these centres, providing personalized treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs and ensuring optimal outcomes.


Healing Travel's partnered centres prioritize patient safety, offering comprehensive pre-operative assessments, thorough consultations, and post-operative support. Their commitment extends beyond surgical excellence to encompass holistic care, including nutritional counselling, lifestyle guidance, and ongoing follow-ups to aid patients in their weight loss journey.


Post-Surgery Care and Recovery Facilities

Post-surgery, Healing Travel ensures comprehensive care and recovery facilities for patients undergoing overweight surgery. Collaborative centres offer dedicated post-operative care, including monitoring, pain management, and nutritional guidance. These facilities prioritize patient comfort, providing serene recovery spaces equipped with rehabilitation services and follow-up consultations. Healing Travel ensures a seamless transition for patients, offering access to specialized post-surgery care to optimize recovery and long-term success in their weight loss journey.

Benefits of Healing Travel's Weight Loss Surgical Packages

Cost-Effectiveness and Comprehensive Packages

Healing Travel's weight loss surgical packages prioritize cost-effectiveness without compromising on quality care. These comprehensive packages encompass weight loss surgery costs, pre-operative assessments, post-operative care, accommodation, and often travel arrangements. By collaborating with accredited centres in countries like India, Turkey, and South Africa, known for their competitive pricing and high medical standards, Healing Travel ensures patients receive excellent care at a fraction of the cost compared to their home countries. This affordability factor coupled with all-inclusive packages alleviates financial burdens, making weight loss surgeries through Healing Travel an attractive option for international patients.

Access to Advanced Treatments

Healing Travel grants access to cutting-edge weight loss treatments and state-of-the-art surgical techniques. Partnered facilities across Serbia, Croatia, Turkey, and other countries employ advanced technologies and innovative procedures such as robotic-assisted surgeries or minimally invasive techniques. By staying updated with the latest advancements in bariatric surgery, Healing Travel ensures patients benefit from modern interventions, enhancing the efficacy and safety of weight loss procedures.

Overweight Surgery and Preparations for Weight Loss Surgery

Recognizing the significance of pre-operative preparations, Healing Travel's packages incorporate comprehensive assessments and preparatory measures for overweight individuals. Patients receive thorough evaluations, including medical screenings, nutritional counselling, and lifestyle guidance to optimize their health before surgery. These preparatory steps aim to mitigate risks associated with obesity and ensure patients are well-prepared physically and mentally for successful weight loss surgeries. Healing Travel emphasizes a holistic approach, supporting patients through every stage of their weight loss journey for better overall outcomes.

Transformative Journeys: Empowering Change with Healing Travel's Weight Loss Solutions

Healing Travel's collaborative centres epitomize the transformative potential of weight loss surgery. They serve as beacons of hope, offering life-altering interventions to individuals battling obesity. Through state-of-the-art facilities and partnerships with skilled bariatric surgeons across Serbia, Croatia, Turkey, India, Israel, and South Africa, Healing Travel facilitates not just surgeries, but life-changing transformations. Patients witness remarkable improvements in their health, self-esteem, and overall quality of life, experiencing the profound impact of bariatric surgery on their well-being.


Choosing the safest weight loss surgery is a significant decision. Healing Travel encourages prospective patients to embark on this transformative journey with confidence and informed decision-making. By providing comprehensive information, transparent guidance, and access to diverse surgical options, Healing Travel empowers individuals to make choices aligned with their health goals. Take the first step towards a healthier future by exploring Healing Travel's offerings, embracing the possibility of a life-changing weight loss journey.


Contact Healing Travel today to embark on your transformative weight loss journey and discover the comprehensive support available for your health and well-being. Your transformative change awaits!

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