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Healing Travel: Transforming Smiles with Affordable Dental Solutions

Healing Travel is dedicated to providing unparalleled dental services that merge quality and affordability. Our ethos revolves around ensuring access to top-tier dental care without financial strain. We understand the significance of a confident smile and strive to make transformative dental procedures accessible to everyone. Our commitment lies in offering comprehensive dental solutions that are not only exceptional in quality but also fit within various budget ranges, ensuring that every patient receives the best possible care.

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Transform your smile affordably with Healing Travel's comprehensive dental offers

From cosmetic dentistry for radiant smiles to durable dental implants restoring missing teeth, our clinic ensures top-tier yet affordable treatments. Embrace routine dental care through our packages, fostering optimal oral health and preventive measures against future complications. 

Experience an affordable smile makeover, blending various treatments to address imperfections and deliver confidence. Take advantage of complimentary consultations where our expert dentists offer personalized advice tailored to your dental needs and budget. At Healing Travel, accessible excellence in dental care awaits, redefining smiles with quality, care, and affordability.

How much can you save ?

Please note these prices are indicative as each patient has his own needs and course of treatment. Contact us for a consultation and full quotation.

 Affordable Dental Implant Solutions

Healing Travel is committed to providing accessible, top-quality and affordable dental implant solutions, catering to diverse patient needs. Our clinic offers affordable options such as the All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implant procedures, revolutionizing dental restoration for those seeking comprehensive and cost-effective solutions.

All on 4 Dental Implants:


The All-on-4 dental implant technique is a cutting-edge solution designed to restore a full set of teeth using just four strategically placed dental implants. This innovative procedure is an optimal choice for individuals seeking comprehensive teeth restoration with fewer implants compared to traditional methods.

The process involves the precise placement of four implants in specific angles and positions within the jawbone. These implants act as anchors to support a complete set of prosthetic teeth. The strategic positioning allows for maximum stability and load-bearing capacity, enabling the restoration of both functionality and aesthetics. The all on 4 dental implants costs can become quite affordable for you when you are with Healing Travel.

Benefits of All-on-4 Dental Implants:
  • Reduced treatment time and cost compared to traditional dental implants.

  • Minimal invasive surgery and quicker recovery period.

  • Enhanced chewing capability and improved speech.

  • Aesthetically pleasing, natural-looking results.

All on 6 Dental Implants


Procedures of the all on 6 dental implants is an advanced dental restoration technique that utilizes six implants per dental arch to support a complete set of prosthetic teeth. This method is suitable for individuals requiring increased stability and support for their dental restoration.

Similar to All-on-4, the All-on-6 technique involves the strategic placement of six implants within the jawbone, offering a secure foundation for the prosthetic teeth. This approach provides enhanced stability and strength, particularly beneficial for patients with greater dental restoration needs. Unlike other medical services, the all on 6 dental implants cost in Healing Travel is quite affordable-so, book your appointment today.

Benefits of All on 6 Dental Implants:
  • Increased stability and support due to additional implants.

  • Suitable for cases where additional strength and anchorage are required.

  • Restores chewing function, speech, and facial aesthetics effectively.

  • Long-term durability and reliability.

Both the All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implant procedures offer innovative solutions for comprehensive teeth restoration, providing patients with functional, durable, and aesthetically pleasing results. These techniques revolutionize dental restoration by offering cost-effective and efficient alternatives to traditional implant methods. At Healing Travel, the price of Titanium implant including abutment from €300 per tooth. 

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are custom-made caps that cover the entire visible portion of a tooth. They are meticulously crafted to restore damaged, discoloured, or misshapen teeth, providing both strength and aesthetic appeal. These crowns are known for their natural appearance, resembling the color and translucency of natural teeth, making them a popular choice for cosmetic dental restorations. Dental crowns offer durability and blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth.

Average Cost

The cost of porcelain tooth crowns can vary based on factors like material quality, dental clinic location, and individual case complexity. On average, the cost may range from $800 to $3000 per tooth. Healing Travel ensures competitive pricing without compromising on the superior quality of materials and craftsmanship-

Metal Ceramic

€150 per tooth


€215 per tooth

Porcelain Crown

€300 per tooth

Metal Porcelain Crowns

Metal porcelain crowns, also known as porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns, combine the strength of metal with the aesthetics of porcelain. These crowns consist of a metal base covered with a layer of porcelain, offering durability and a natural appearance. While they provide excellent strength for chewing and biting, the underlying metal may slightly affect the crown's translucency compared to all-porcelain options.

Average Cost

Metal porcelain crowns generally cost between $500 to $1500 per tooth, considering the materials used and the dental expertise involved. Healing Travel ensures cost-effective solutions without compromising on the quality and durability of these restorations.


Veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted from porcelain or composite resin, placed on the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. They are ideal for resolving issues like chipped, stained, or misaligned teeth, offering a natural-looking and durable solution. Veneers are known for their ability to enhance smile aesthetics by improving tooth shape, size, and colour.

Average Cost

Metal porcelain crowns generally cost between $500 to $1500 per tooth, considering the materials used and the dental expertise involved. Healing Travel ensures cost-effective solutions without compromising on the quality and durability of these restorations.

Zirconium Laminate Veneer

€250 per tooth

Glass Ceramic Laminate Veneer from  

€350 per tooth

By offering a range of cosmetic dental procedures like porcelain tooth crowns, metal porcelain crowns, and veneers, Healing Travel aims to provide patients with transformative smile enhancements at affordable prices, ensuring both quality and affordability in every treatment option.

Transform Your Smile: Quality Dental Care at Affordable Prices with Healing Travel

Healing Travel stands as a beacon of commitment to delivering top-tier yet affordable dental solutions. Our unwavering dedication to providing exceptional dental care is coupled with our mission to ensure access to quality treatments without financial strain. For individuals seeking superior dental treatments at reasonable costs, Healing Travel offers a gateway to transformative and budget-friendly solutions.


We invite potential patients to explore our comprehensive range of dental services tailored to address diverse needs. Whether it's cosmetic enhancements, dental implants, or routine dental care, our clinic promises unparalleled quality in every treatment.


To embark on a journey towards a confident smile and optimal oral health with the guidance of affordable top rated dentists, we encourage visitors to connect with Healing Travel. All our dentists have over 20 years’ experience. We only work with the best. The prices depend on the brand and material used. It is possible to always get cheaper in this world but we only feel confident working with those who produce the best results. Take the first step towards transforming your smile affordably and experiencing excellence in dental care. Contact us today and discover how our expertise and affordability converge to redefine dental treatments with quality, care, and accessibility.

Zygomatic Implants: A Comprehensive Guide

Zygomatic implants, also known as zygoma implants or zygomaticus implants, are an innovative solution in dental implantology, particularly for patients with severe bone loss in the upper jaw (maxilla). This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth look at zygomatic implants, including their anatomy, placement procedure, benefits, candidacy, and post-operative care.

Anatomy of Zygomatic Implants:

Zygomatic implants are designed to anchor dental prostheses securely to the zygomatic bone, commonly referred to as the cheekbone. Unlike traditional dental implants that are inserted into the maxillary bone, zygomatic implants utilize the zygomatic bone's dense structure for stability and support.

Placement Procedure:

The placement of zygomatic implants involves a meticulous surgical procedure performed by a skilled oral surgeon or periodontist. The process typically unfolds as follows:

1. Comprehensive Evaluation: The patient undergoes a thorough examination, including dental imaging (such as CT scans), to assess bone quality and determine the feasibility of zygomatic implants

2. Treatment Planning: Based on the evaluation results, a customized treatment plan is developed to address the patient's specific needs and concerns.

3. Surgical Procedure: Under local or general anesthesia, the oral surgeon makes small incisions in the gums to access the zygomatic bone. Using specialized instruments, the implants are precisely inserted into the zygomatic bone.

4. Osseointegration: Over the following weeks to months, the zygomatic implants integrate with the surrounding bone tissue through a process called osseointegration. This fusion ensures the stability and longevity of the implants.

5. Prosthetic Attachment: Once osseointegration is complete, abutments are attached to the implants, providing a secure foundation for the dental prostheses (such as crowns, bridges, or dentures) to be affixed.

Benefits of Zygomatic Implants:

Zygomatic implants offer several advantages compared to traditional implant procedures, including:

1. Avoidance of Bone Grafting: Patients with insufficient bone volume in the maxilla can benefit from zygomatic implants without the need for bone grafting procedures.

2. Enhanced Stability: The zygomatic bone provides a robust foundation for implant placement, ensuring superior stability and support for dental prostheses.

3. Shorter Treatment Time: Zygomatic implant procedures often require fewer surgical interventions and a shorter overall treatment timeline compared to traditional implant procedures.

4. Improved Aesthetics and Functionality: Patients can enjoy restored chewing function, improved speech, and enhanced facial aesthetics with zygomatic implants.

Candidacy for Zygomatic Implants:

Ideal candidates for zygomatic implants may include individuals who:​

  1. Have experienced significant bone loss in the posterior maxilla

  2. Are unable to undergo traditional implant procedures due to inadequate bone volume

  3. Desire a fixed and stable solution for missing teeth

  4. Have failed previous implant procedures or prosthetic restorations

Post-Operative Care:

Following zygomatic implant surgery, patients should adhere to post-operative care instructions provided by their dental provider. This may include:

  1. Proper oral hygiene practices, including gentle brushing and flossing around the implant sites.

  2. Avoidance of hard or sticky foods that may exert excessive pressure on the implants during the healing phase.

  3. Attendance at scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and make any necessary adjustments to the prostheses.


Zygomatic implants represent a revolutionary advancement in dental implant technology, offering a viable solution for patients with complex dental needs resulting from severe bone loss in the upper jaw. By providing stable support for dental prostheses, zygomatic implants restore functionality, aesthetics, and confidence in patients' smiles and oral health.

If you're considering zygomatic implants or have questions about their suitability for your dental needs, consult with our  qualified dental professional to explore your options and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Nerve Repositioning and Lateralization in Dental Implantology

Dental implantology has revolutionized the way we restore missing teeth, offering a long-lasting and natural-looking solution. However, not all patients are eligible for this treatment due to the complexities involved in some cases. Courthouse Dental & Implants in Marlow is one of the few specialist dental implant centres to offer nerve repositioning and lateralization as specialized procedures that can expand the pool of candidates for dental implants.


What is Nerve Repositioning and Lateralization?

Nerve repositioning and lateralization are surgical techniques used in dental implantology to make implant placement possible in areas where the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) or mental nerve might obstruct it. These nerves supply sensation to the lower lip, chin, and teeth. By repositioning or lateralizing the nerve, space is created for implant placement without compromising sensation.

Who Might Need Nerve Repositioning or Lateralization?

Patients who have insufficient bone volume in their lower jaw, especially in the posterior region, often require these procedures. Such patients may have lost teeth a long time ago, leading to bone resorption. Nerve repositioning or lateralization can enable implant placement by creating a suitable environment for osseointegration.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Nerve Repositioning?        

Like any surgical procedure, there are risks involved. The primary concern is potential nerve damage leading to temporary or, in rare cases, permanent sensory disturbances. However, with advancements in technology and the skills of specialized implantologists, these risks have significantly decreased.

Recovery Process after Nerve Repositioning

Recovery times can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and the individual’s healing capabilities. Generally, it can take a few days to a few weeks for the initial healing, with complete recovery and osseointegration taking several months.

Dietary Considerations after Surgery

In the immediate post-operative period, a soft diet is recommended to prevent any disruption to the surgical site. As healing progresses, you can gradually transition back to your regular diet.

Success Rate and Pain Management

When performed by experienced specialists, the success rate for these procedures is high. Implants placed in repositioned or lateralized areas can integrate successfully, providing stable and functional teeth for many years. Local anesthesia is administered during surgery to minimize pain, and post-surgery discomfort can be managed with prescribed pain medications.

Alternatives to Consider

For patients who are not suitable candidates for nerve repositioning or lateralization, alternative treatments such as zygomatic implants or the use of shorter implants in combination with bone grafting techniques may be considered. However, the choice of treatment depends on individual cases and requires a thorough evaluation by your dentist.

Nerve repositioning and lateralization are advanced techniques that have expanded the possibilities of dental implantology, making it accessible to a broader range of patients. While these procedures come with some risks and complexities, they are generally safe and highly effective when performed by our skilled specialists. If you’re considering dental implants in areas where nerves might pose a challenge, consult with us to discuss the best treatment options for your unique case. Your journey to a confident and functional smile may be closer than you think.

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