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A picture of a man experiencing a heart attack

Discover Excellence in Cardiac Care:

Healing Travel – Your Gateway to Affordable and World-Class Medical Tourism

Are you in search of world-class cardiac surgery without the financial strain? Look no further than Healing Travel, your dedicated partner for accessible and cost-effective medical tourism in Serbia, Croatia, Turkey, India, Israel, and South Africa. Our commitment is to provide you with top-notch cardiac care, ensuring your well-being is prioritized while offering substantial cost savings.

Understanding cardiac surgery

Cardiovascular or heart surgery is a surgical procedure performed on blood vessels or the heart to treat various conditions. These surgeries are performed in serious situations. Testing your heart and blood as soon as possible is crucial to prevent some diseases or complications. If surgery is the only option left, there are a couple of different approaches, which depend on the state of the patient’s health. These interventions affect vessels, heart muscles, and valves. 

What causes heart disease?

There are many causes of heart disease. Some of the most common ones include:


Bad Diet: eating foods rich in fats can impact the cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. High-salt food can affect blood pressure.

High cholesterol: this increases the risks of fatty deposits building up in arteries and causing a problem.

Diabetes: high blood sugar can damage the heart and blood vessels.

Age: with age, vessels and the heart start to lose their strength and health, which can lead to diseases.

Genetics: some genetic factors can contribute to the higher risk of getting heart disease.

Sleep apnea: this can lead to high blood pressure and damage to the heart.

Chronic stress: chronic stress can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle, which leads to smoking, excessively eating, or drinking which can cause heart diseases.

Drug use: certain drugs, like amphetamines and cocaine, can increase heart disease risks.


Tobacco use: Nicotine and other substances in cigarettes can damage vessels.

Obesity: extra body fat, especially in the stomach area can cause high blood pressure, cholesterol, and insulin resistance.

Excessive alcohol use: Heavy intake of alcohol can lead to high blood pressure, failure of the heart, etc.

Physical inactivity: Regular activity can lower the risks of heart disease obesity and blood pressure which cause diseases.

High blood pressure: high blood pressure which lasts for a longer period can damage arteries.

Unlocking a World of Cardiac Solutions with Healing Travel

CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting)

This approach is used to treat coronary artery disease. In this case, the heart's blood vessels are narrowed or blocked, which causes a problem. Using this approach, a blood vessel from the body is used to make a bypass to improve the flow of the blood to the heart.

Heart transplantation

This approach is meant for those who have significant heart failure. It includes replacement with a healthy donor heart.

Congenital Heart defect repair

This approach is used to correct and heal heart defects that have been present since the birth of a person. It varies depending on the defect that the person has.

Pacemaker and ICD insertion

This approach addresses irregular heart rhythm and it includes implanting a small device called a pacemaker or ICD which stabilizes the heart rhythm.

Aneurysm repair

This approach is meant for circumstances in which blood vessel walls are enlarged or weakened. This can happen with major blood vessels. The procedure involves replacing the weakened part of the Wessel with a graft. Another approach is less invasive. It includes using stents to reinforce and strengthen vessel walls.

Valve replacement and repair

This approach is used to treat damaged heart valves. The procedure includes removing a failing valve and replacing it with a new one, biological or mechanical valve. In some cases, repairing a valve that already exists is an option.

Heart valve repair

This approach helps with conditions such as narrowing or leakage of the valves. It is similar to valve replacements which we talked about above.

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery

This approach is done with small incisions, which leave less trauma, scars, and damage and offer a quicker recovery. These include minimally invasive artery bypass grafting, valve repairs, and other procedures.

Why Choose Healing Travel for Cardiac Surgery?

Expertise in Diverse Cardiac Procedures:

Healing Travel boasts a network of renowned healthcare facilities across different countries, specializing in a wide array of cardiac surgeries. From coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) to heart valve repair and transplantation, our partner hospitals excel in delivering expert care for various cardiac conditions.

Cost-Effective Solutions:

We understand the financial challenges associated with cardiac treatments. Healing Travel offers you the opportunity to access high-quality cardiac surgery under the guidance of experienced doctors. For these facilities, you do not need to compromise with your budget.

Destination Diversity:

Explore the emerging hubs for medical tourism in Southeast Europe. Benefit from the expertise of healthcare professionals in different countries, where advanced cardiac procedures are performed with precision and care.

Tailored Cardiac Surgery Packages:

At Healing Travel, we recognize that each patient's cardiac journey is unique. Our carefully curated medical tourism packages cater to your specific cardiac healthcare needs. From pre-surgery assessments to post-operative care, we ensure a seamless and stress-free experience for you and your loved ones.

Begin your journey to heart health with Healing Travel. Our unwavering commitment is to deliver accessible, high-quality cardiac surgery, paving the way for a life of well-being and fulfillment. Reach out to us today, and let Healing Travel be your portal to affordable, world-class medical tourism. Your heart deserves the best care – trust Healing Travel to make it happen.

  • What is a brow lift?
    Brow lifts are procedures in which the eyebrow area is tightened. It is also called forehead lift. This procedure aims to give patients a more youthful look.
  • Do brow lifts look natural?
    The brow lift tightens the area around your eyes and eyebrows, which shows your aging. This procedure can be done to look very natural. It is necessary to choose a good doctor and reputable clinic to do this and of course, research what kind of results you want to have.
  • What can I not do after brow lift?
    It is necessary to rest for a couple of weeks after the surgery, when it to extreme physical activities. Rest with to physical activity at all is recommended a couple days following the procedure.
  • How long is the recovery after a brow lift?
    The recovery period varies from person to person, but mostly, patients can expect swelling or bruising in the first week or two. After that, normal activities can mostly be continued and after a few months, the final results can be seen after the body is adjusted to all the changes and healing is done.
  • Is there a non-surgical treatment with brow lift results?
    While there are procedures which offer similar results, like botox, the surgical procedure (brow lift) offers a different extent of results. This all depends on what the patient wants so, consult with your doctor about the results and lasting of results which you want.
  • Can a brow-lift treat wrinkles on my forehead?
    Yes, since brow lifts tighten the skin on the forehead, the wrinkles are smoothened. However, for fine line wrinkles and damage to the skin, you might consider fillers or some other option combined with this process. Consult with your doctors.
  • What is liposuction?
    This is a type of a surgery where fat is suctioned out of the places of the body.
  • How long can liposuction last?
    Liposuction provides effects which last for a long time. On the other hand it is necessary to follow a healthy lifestyle afterwards to maintain the results.
  • Does liposuction remove fat forever?
    This procedure removes the fat cells, which don’t appear back. If you maintain your weight and a healthy lifestyle, the results will last long.
  • What areas can you have liposuction?
    Usually, liposuction is performed at the area of the body which typically collects more fat, such as thighs, legs, gluteus, arms and stomach.
  • How does liposuction work?
    There are different types of liposuction. Next to traditional liposuction, there are laser assisted liposuction and ultrasound assisted liposuction. Typically, it involves making a small incision, inserting a tube and suctioning the extra fat out of the area.
  • Can liposuction treat cellulite?
    Liposuction is not exactly meant for clearing the effects of cellulite. Other procedures are designed specifically for that.
  • Is liposuction painful?
    This procedure is done under anesthesia, so the procedure itself is not painful. After the anesthesia wears off, there might be some uncomfort or swelling, but there’s medication to ease it.
  • Can liposuction be done again?
    Yes, it can be repeated. If there is some fat left or if further contouring is wanted. Before this is done, it is necessary for the previous effect to heal.
  • Does liposuction leave scars?
    Liposuction leaves really small and not really noticeable scars, since the incisions made are small. The scars continue to fade with time and adequate care.
  • Is it normal to regret cosmetic surgery?
    For some people, the period right after the surgery can be a confusing time, since you’re not healed yet, and you can’t really see the results as they are. Take some time to get to that stage. If afterwards, you are not satisfied, you can always consult with your doctors.
  • What if I am not happy with cosmetic surgery?
    It’s important to do your research and talk thoroughly with the doctors about how you want to look. Look at their previous work and imagine it on yourself. Thorough research like this is recommended.
  • What causes people to do plastic surgery?
    People usually get cosmetic surgery to change parts of their body that are unusual, for example men remove excessive breast tissue, people change a broken nose or so on. Also, some people change their appearance into a certain way they want to look, for example they want a pointier nose or a stronger jawline. Remember, what you do with your body is your choice and you have the right to change it if it will make you happier.
  • Cosmetic surgery cost?
    Depending on the type of surgery, the cost tends to be a couple thousand dollars. Minimally invasive procedures can be even less than that. Generally speaking, prices can vary a lot from country to country, that’s why you should do your research and find out how procedures can be done in a better way, for a lower prices in some places of the world.
  • Difference between cosmetic and plastic surgery?
    Cosmetic surgery aims to enhance a person’s appearance, whereas plastic surgery is linked to that purpose, but also, reconstructive ones - when a person had an injury or if a person is born with anomalies. Both terms are very similar to each other.
  • What are the risks with cosmetic surgery?
    Risks connected to this kind of surgery are like any other regular surgery. It includes bleeding, blood cloths, infestions, allergic reactions and so on. That all depends on the skills of the doctor, the clinic and patient’s health state or genetics. Consult with your doctor of choice when you choose to undergo this procedure.
  • How do I recover from cosmetic surgery?
    It depends on the type of surgery that you had. Generally, you should rest for a few days or weeks depending on the type of surgery. There may be a certain diet or activity restrictions for a while which you should follow. This all depends on the type of surgery that you had and your health state in general at the time of the surgery. Consult with your doctors.
  • What is augmentation of the breast?
    This is a surgical procedure, in which the size of the breasts is enhanced. There are a couple of methods to do it, next to the most famous breast implants.
  • How painful is breast augmentation?
    Some mild pain is expected after the procedure for about 3 to 5 days. After that, the pain softens even more and recovery doesn’t take long. It’s important to follow doctors’ instructions for the period of recovery.
  • Does breast augmentation feel natural?
    Newer implants are designed to mimic a natural feeling of a breast. For instance, silicone implants are gel like, and do give a natural impression. Silone ones can also suit patients who have more breast tissue.
  • How long do breast implants last?
    Typically, you can expect your implants to last for 10-15 years. After that, they need replacement. Some small percentage can expect them to last less than 10 years or over 15.
  • Can I breastfeed with implants?
    If the cuts were made around the milk ducts, avoiding them, then you should have no problem with breastfeeding. These sort of things should be discussed with your doctor before the surgery is done. The feeding is considered safe and can’t harm the baby in any way.
  • What kind of implants exist?
    There are two main types of implants: silicone and saline. The silicone ones are filled with silicone gel and feel quite natural. The saline ones are filled with sterile saltwater after insertion and can be adjusted when it comes to their size.
  • Is there an age limit for breast augmentation?
    There is no specific age limit when it comes to breast augmentation. There could be health related limits, but that is individual so consult with your doctors.
  • Does breast augmentation leave scars?
    Scarring is expected with any sort of surgery. However, there are techniques which are used to minimize the scarring. Also, these scars fade over time or by using treatments. Generally, scars are very subtle and don’t show.
  • Is rhinoplasty safe?
    The majority of these procedures have minimal risks, so it is considered to be very safe. It’s important to choose a good doctor and a reputable clinics for this procedure. Think a lot in advance about what sort of results you want to have.
  • What is the best age for rhinoplasty?
    There is no specific age range which is the best for this kind of procedure. Typically, it’s done in the late teens or twenties. The nose usually stops the major growing and changes in that period. After that, some changes with age can be expected, but very, very minimal.
  • How painful is a rhinoplasty?
    The pain after the surgery is not as bad as people might think or as it seems. Patients rate the pain of the recovery right afterwards from 0 to 4 out if 10.
  • What if I hate my nose job?
    It’s not so common that the patients are not satisfied with the results of the procedure as it may appear in movies or series or general people talk. However, if that is the case, a revision rhinoplasty is an option. Think about the desired results a lot in advance and consult with your doctor.
  • How is rhinoplasty done?
    There is an open kind and closed kind of rhinoplasty. If an open rhinoplasty is performed, an incision is made across the strip of tissue between the nostrils, whereas if a closed rhinoplasty is performed, incisions are made inside the nostrils.
  • How long is the healing process after rhinoplasty?
    The healing process usually last about a week or two, where some bruising or swelling with mild pain can be expected. The final results can be seen in a couple of weeks or months, after all the swelling is gone. Pain is manageable with prescribed medication.
  • Can you choose the shape of your nose after rhinoplasty?
    Yes, in the consultation meetings, you can discuss with your doctor about the desired results. The results differ from person to person, based on their face structure, that’s why a talk with the doctor will help you get a realistic picture of the results in the future.
  • What is abdominoplasty?
    Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure in which the shape or appearance of the stomach area is changed. This can include fat removal, stretch mark removal, skin tightening and other.
  • How painful is abdominoplasty?
    It is normal to feel some sort of pain (which is not extreme) after the surgery. It is necessary to rest and recover in this period. Follow doctors’ instructions for the healing period.
  • How much weight can be removed by abdominoplasty?
    It depends on how much fat and extra skin there is in your tummy area. Typically, patients lose a couple of pounds.
  • Who should not get abdominoplasty?
    Patients must be in good health when they undergo this procedure. BMI must not be over 30. You should be near your desired and stabilized body weight to do this.
  • Can I exercise after abdominoplasty?
    Yes, you can and it’s also advised to do so. After the healing process is done, exercise is good for you, but you should consult with your doctor about how difficult and active the exercises should be. In the beginning, lighter exercise is recommended.
  • How is abdominoplasty performed?
    The surgeon makes an incision at the lower area of the abdomen, removes extra skin, suctions the fat, tightens muscles and skin. The incisions are made in the bikini area typically and the scars fade over time.
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